
Communication is Key

As with any relationship, communication is the most important thing with a long distance relationship. With out it thing get confusing and people get hurt. Some times you can recover from that hurt and gain your trust back in that person but other time you cant. You'll never know which argument it is that will cause you to call it quite but eventually if you loose communication you will also loose your relationship. Andre and I are having a hard week. We haven't seen each other in almost 3 months and this begins to be the time where we fight a lot. I am settling into a new life where things around me are unpredictable and I never Know what is gong to happen next. The last year of my life I was living at home and had responsibilities with my mom so I wasn't able to go out and have a good time. I didn't have many friends to take me out either. Now I am in a place where the only responsibilities I have is completing school and staying true to Andre. I though it would be easy to settle into a new life. Its not.
as soon as I arrived here I was tested to the fullest on what was gong to take presidency in my life. I didn't have power 16 hours a day for a month and that is still going on, I don't have very much money that I could use to call him and like that our main way of communication was cut like that. I would spend over 12 hours at school every day just so I could talk to him on line. eventually the power came back and there was a hurricane to cut off communication again. we survived though that but our ease of communication that we had before had gotten lost and we are still trying to recover from it. I am hoping we can. This is the most important thing to me right now is making things better between us.
Another thing that I didn't think would change when i came here is how much fun I let my self have. I wasn't able to go out really at all last year and now I am almost forced to go out. I can only say no so much but why should I got out on weekend if Andre is out doing the same thing. This is another problem that we are needing to work though. Much of the time I would rather go home and hang out with him online but even if I go home there is no grantee that he is staying home that night and I might just end up sitting alone. If I go out he might just end up sitting alone that night. It is had to know and you cant be n two places at the same time. This is the hardest part about the distance is just wanting each other to be there and experience the same things that the other is experiencing. We just have to wait until we see each other and have as much fun as we possible can.
Things are hard right now and I can only pray that they get better

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